CAN AM Intervention Approach: An intervention is a great act of love!

An addiction intervention is a lifesaving mission whereby loving family members and concerned friends or employers are educated about addictions and led by a trained addiction interventionist for the purpose of helping the sick loved one with an opportunity for recovery. An intervention is a transformational process in which the ultimate goal is to start an addicted individual, and sometimes his or her family, on the path toward wellness.

  • An intervention is a gift to your family, a non-judgmental approach to healing your family, and a positive act of confrontation in which friends and relatives perform a great act of love to show their care in a practical way with the help from a professional. An addiction intervention is a lifesaving mission whereby caring family members and concerned friends or employers are educated about the cycle of addiction as well as how it has impacted the family as a whole. An intervention is led by an addiction specialist & trained interventionist for the purpose of bringing change to the family system and an option of recovery and hope for the addicted person.

  • It is the facilitation of a professional family meeting, coming together as a family unit to address the problem which usually is a family member suffering from substance abuse issues, sex addiction, eating disorders, mental health issues, and gambling addiction. Interventions are a form of confrontation which means “Face to Face” but “NOT” being confrontational. This is very important concern for families when gathering information on hiring an interventionist.

  • If the family continues to enable, engage, feel sorry and feel responsible for the IP addictive behaviors “Victim Thinking” the family also becomes untreated and lives in the cycle of addictive behaviors. “Intervention is an act of Empathy rather than Sympathy – if you stop reacting to the negative behaviors and start proving how much you care and love the IP by changing personally and how you react with the IP, as well as each other family members that is when the recovery and healing process happens for all. An intervention becomes a “WIN-WIN” for all family members, bringing out the truth into the light of exposure creates a new way of life.