• Watching a love one suffered from an addiction is one of the most painful and emotionally heart-wrenching sense of powerless and not be able to do nothing about it. This is very painful for parents, friends and employers, it is hard to sit back and do nothing. No person can stop an addicted person from changing except the addicted person but families and friends and employers can start by letting their loved know they have not given up on them, this only starts with the truth.

  • Parents of cancer-ridden children beg doctors for more information and opportunities to assist in making the child comfortable. Spouses of newly let-go employees search for ways to help the discouraged spouse. An addicted person is someone that is untreated which recovery can be possible with an intervention and implemented resources by involving a professional much like you would if your child had cancer.

  • There comes a point in time that you cannot carry on the lye anymore as a friend of a addicted person and realizes that you are becoming more attached to the cycle of denial and living in the problem. You are starting to feel as sick as the addicted person, you may ask yourself these questions; what can you do? How can you truly help them? When should you let things go and when do you need to take more dramatic steps to ask for help and to gain support from a professional?