As an intervention candidate, Andrew had the privilege of working with children and families in the past five years with a passion to bring education and awareness to both male, female and childhood survivors of sexual abuse.

Mr. Bhatti, a survivor of childhood victimization himself, was inspired by Men of Hope, B.C Society For Male Survivors Of Sexual Abuse and Sophie's Place. A couple of years ago he went to share his message of hope to break the silence of sexual abuse in many communities within Canada. His passion and dedication make him a strong advocate for survivors of sexual abuse.

Personally, Andrew has seven years in recovery; he had the opportunity to work with many recovering persons as a “Recovery Management Coach” as well as he currently is Event Co-Coordinator for Men of Hope. His education background is in substance abuse training, crisis intervention specialist also he is currently working towards the completion of substance abuse certification at the Justice Institute in Vancouver BC, Canada as well as in training to become an addiction intervention specialist under the guidance of Can Am Interventions.