Prevention & Intervention Outcomes

Early identification and intervention services will prevent the escalation of mental health and substance abuse problems and lead to overall improved outcomes for children, their families, and the community.

  • offering and providing support services that promote positive mental health and substance use prevention;

  • an effective family assessment process to identified factors that can address the problems;

  • programs and services designed to prevent the escalation of mental health and substance use/abuse problems;

  • design case management and an after care intervention plan for family support services.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - It's that simple. We need to be kind and give to others in need.” -Plato

“May all beings dwell in the heart, May all be free from suffering, may all be healed, May all be whole, and May all be at peace.

May our brothers and sister, human and non- humans born into every form sharing in the web of life be safe, be happy and be free.

May true peace of the heart bring peace among all people of the world.

May all beings everywhere find joy and blessings.

May I and all beings awaken together.”

-Jack Kornfield