if you find yourself going through hell, keep going
Winston Churchill

What is TMS

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an outpatient  treatment that brings the valuable prospect of easing illnesses such as depression.  It uses a pulsed magnetic field to stimulate the depressed brain and restore it to a state of well-being.  Patients need no anesthetic, no sedative drugs during TMS treatment and they are able to continue their usual daily activities immediately after leaving the clinic.

In depression, a small region of the brain - located behind the upper forehead - shows unusually low activity.  It is believed it fails to stimulate adequately the deeper lying limbic system, the seat of mood control.   The repeated magnetic pulses from an TMS machine enhance the activity of the inactive region and help lift the overall mood.

We use the well known MagPro R30 TMS machine made by Medtronics, a device used in clinics and research centers across the world.
