if you find yourself going through hell, keep going
Winston Churchill


The number of centers offering this treatment is steadily increasing. Below is a check list that may help your decision making process. 

  1. Does the clinic treat your kind of illness?

  2. Does the staff have substantial experience in use of TMS?

  3. What are the credentials of the supervising psychiatrist?

  4. How are patients screened and evaluated?

  5. Are the most effective treatment methods used?

  6. What is the clinic’s success rate?

  7. What is its safety record?

  8. What is the treatment setting like - eg a hole in the wall, institutional medical, comfortable office etc - ask for photographs.

  9. Are the staff members knowledgeable, friendly, caring, empathic, helpful

  10. Is the clinic conveniently located for you?

  11. Does it provide treatment at times when you can attend easily, daily for up to six weeks?

  12. Ask about costs. Different centers range between $150 and $500 for each treatment session.  More expensive is no guarantor of effectiveness. And reimbursement by medical insurers is still very limited.